- Website Audits - Your website is your business's public face. It's what potential customers are most likely to see first. If you have a virtual business, it might be the only thing they see. You want it to look great, but more importantly, what you do not want it to do is distribute malware to your customers when they visit. Let our cyber-security experts comb through the code on your servers to ensure there is no way hackers can lay traps and wreak havoc on your site.
- HIPAA Audits - If you work in the healthcare industry, you've heard of HIPAA. It's the government regulations that require you to ensure the privacy and security of your patients' personal and health information. Did you know that the government could show up to audit your site and levy fines to your business, if you don't meet their standard? One HIPPA requirement is to perform regular security audits. Immauss can help give you the peace of mind, so you will never have to worry about what auditors find.
- VPN Server Setup and Maintenance - Most VPN services will charge you a per user fee for VPN servers. Let us set up a dedicated VPN on a cloud based service of your choice. You'll get an industry standard encryption with an easy to use interface to add and remove users whenever you like. We'll even keep it up-to-date and carry out all necessary maintenance on your servers for one low monthly fee. We can set up anything, from a simple single node deployment to multiple nodes authenticated by redundant LDAP servers.
- Development Team Support - If you are developing websites in Drupal, Word Press, Joomla or even fully customized sites, show your clients that security is important to you by having an independent security specialist validate the new site before it goes live. We will work with your developers to ensure your clients have the most secure solution available.
- Full Site Audits - if you have a small office or even a home office where you store your company's private information or your clients' private information, then you may be lying awake at night wondering if hackers are targeting you. What about ransomware? Are you prepared for the next wannacry? Immauss Cybersecurity can help you sleep easier knowing your data is protected from cyber criminals.
- Multi-Site Security Audits - If your business is spread across multiple sites and connected via VPN or dedicated links, have you ever thought that your overall security is only as good as the weakest site? Once a hacker breaches one site, they could easily run rampant through all of your sites across those links. We can intervene to ensure that all of the links in your security chain are at their maximum strength.
- Post Breach Forensic Analysis - If you are in the unfortunate position of realizing you have been the victim of a cyber attack, our Certified Hacking Forensic Investigators (CHFI) can help. We'll help you recover and get back up and running as quickly as possible.
- Company Security Policies - Your company needs a security policy to set the guidelines for all of your employees. This helps them understand what you expect of them and what can happen, if they don't follow those policies. Solid security policies and procedures also clarify cyber security responsibilities of all employees and remove any doubts and questions as to who should have access to what information. Immauss Cybersecurity can help create custom security policies and procedures tailored to your company's needs.
- Staff Training - The most likely avenue for a hacker to use to gain access to your network is NOT the most recently exposed bug, but the oldest one: YOUR PEOPLE. We can provide online and onsite training to ensure your staff does not fall victim to a social engineering attack.